Sunday, February 22, 2009

Brainteaser 1 - A Room with a View

A man lives in a house where all the windows in all of the rooms on each side of the house face in the same direction - south. Where does he live?

Difficulty rating: 4
Write your solutions using the comment link below this blog post...


  1. We think it is the north pole by Alex&Asher

  2. Well done Alex, Asher and Johny. You are RIGHT!

    Nader, good try, perhaps next time.

    Let's see if more people can have a go next time.

  3. Well done Alex and Asher, you are right. The house is on the North Pole.

    Good luck with the next one - it is much harder!


  4. we did it and i think it is right because i've heard it before
